
[Pieter Eduard]
* 12. October 1798 in Altona,
getauft 10. November 1798 in Altona .
gestorbenin Genua 1850 during a business trip


verh before 1831 with Anna (“Anninka“) von Stieglitz
Pieter Poel was a partner of the Royal Financier of the Czars Alexander I und Nikolaus I in St. Petersburg , Ludwig Count von Stieglitz (Bank “L. Stieglitz“), deceased 18 March 1843 in St. Petersburg;
he managed the Odessa facility, where he acquired quite a fortune and had worldwide relations with influential circles. (Riga Newspaper 1859, No 276: “Das Banquierhaus Stieglitz & Comp.“ (Bank of Stiegliz + Co.)

(Rigaische Zeitung 1859, No 276: “Das Banquierhaus Stieglitz & Comp.“ For the social life of the Poel family see August v. Behr: “Meine Reise durch Schlesien, Galizien, Podolien nach Odessa, der Krim, Konstantinopel usw. im Sommer 1832 I. Teil Leipzig 1834 bei E.H.F. Hartmann, S. 96, 253)

According to family lore Anna Poel is considered the daughter of Count Ludwig Stieglitz,
half-sister of his daughter Natalia (“Natascha“), married to David Johan von Harder.
deren Sohn Alexander Georg
married 20. March 1861 in Heidelberg
the daughter of Pieter and Anna, Olga

vgl. V
1) Quote from Piter Poel’s letter (6.B. 4) dated 2 November 1830 to Recke, - Clemen, Pg. 131 – referring to “an acquired daughter“
2) Wolfgang Poel, My own experiences (manuscript), who referred to Anninka Poel as the “natural daughter“ of Ludwig v. Stieglitz.
The opinion that Anna Poel is not Ludwig v. Stieglitz’s daughter but his brother’s, Bernhard (Boris) von Stieglitz, Merchant in Cherson, Krementschug and Odessa, is held by
1) Amburger, Die van Brienen....... S. 18
2) Bodo Freiherr von Maydell, the Stieglitz from Arosen, their ancestors and descendants, Neustadt a.d. Aisch 1956, Postscript 1960

Both Stieglitz were sons of the Jewish Financier Hirsch Bernhard Stieglitz in Arolsen, who was married to Edel Elisabeth Markus, a Jewish woman. Count Ludwig von Stieglitz was married to Amalie Gottschalk Düsseldorf, a Jewish woman, Bernhard v. St. (1774 to 1846, 1810/12 residing in Krementschug) to Sophie de Seigneur, from an emigrant family.

In a personal identification certificate Anna Poel is referred to as “née Becker“ (intent to hide the semetic origin?) See this effort by family v. Maydell, a.o.)

Anna Poel, * 1804/05,
gestorbenin Paris on 8. November 1883
begraben 12. November 1883
at Anstaltsfriedhof in Illenau bei Achern (Inscription “Frau Anna v. Poel“)
lived as widow in Dresden, Heidelberg, Wiesbaden, Florence, Rom, und Paris and on her country estate Erlenhaus bei Achern.
The marriage of Pieter und Anna Poel produced eight children .
Some carried the name “von Poel“, whether rightfully so or not remains unanswered. Belonging

Belonging to Russian Service Nobility alone did not entitle them to carry “von“.
(see: Erik Amburger, (History of Russian Authority Structure under Peter the Great to 1917, Leiden1966,PgXVI,55,58,226).


father:Pieter Poel
silbings: Johanna:::: Friederike::::Carl::::Wilhelm::::Ernst::::Caroline::::Eduard::::Gustav 2.Linie::::Theodor::::Emma
children: Ludwig::::Wilhelm::::Olga::::Gustav::::Emilie::::Natalie::::Vera::::Emma